26 March 2008

Bulbophyllum biflorum

Bulbophyllum biflorum

Found this orchids in Camera Highlands, being sold by Orang Asli.Normally found on tree trunks in shady forest between 700 meter up to 1000 meter. A
miniature sized, warm to hot growing epiphytic species with ovate, strongly 4 angled, yellow pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, erect, thin, oblong, apically blunt, shortly petiolate leaves that blooms on a basal, thin, wiry, semi-pendulous, 2 3/4" to 4.1" [7 to 11 cm] long, 2 flowered inflorescence carrying scented flowers.

pictures courtesy of S_annuar from http://oapm.proboards52.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=orchids&thread=1206520522&page=1

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